Page 25 - Discover Israel Magazine - UK edition 2019
P. 25

Leoni Jesner

It’s a growing trend that’s swept the            serves as Head Chef. The eatery is decked          Another go-to lunch spot can be found within
        Israeli nation and beyond: veganism      in an eclectic mix of antique furniture and        Zmora Organi, one of Jerusalem’s largest
        - an ideological lifestyle of humane     crockery, grand chandeliers and mis-matched        organic food stores. Its Yad Harutzim branch
        intentions, which follows a diet in      tablecloths. A rich fusion of tastes and textures  serves hot lunches prepared from fresh in-
absence of all animal produce, including         characterise the showstopper menu, which           store produce, offering a choice of seasonal
meat, fish, eggs, dairy, leather and fur. The    features a 60 Minutes Mangold Boureka,             soups, breads with dips, stews, ‘meatballs’
trend has accelerated at high speed in recent    barbequed skewer of oyster mushrooms,              and other daily dishes of a vegan and gluten
years – an outcome of enhanced media             Greek Fatush Salad with vegan cheese and a         free nature.
attention, heightened marketing to preserve      bag of torn fries with homemade mayonnaise.
the environment and increased access to          Wash the meal down with a fruity cocktail and      Nagila, resting in on an old-worldly alleyway
healthy food varieties.                          revel in a moment of indulgence with a serving     between Jaffa and Agripas streets, is an
                                                 of cocoa dusted chocolate almond truffles.         inviting restaurant serving inspired vegan
As a country, Israel has the highest                                                                dishes in a charmingly arched building.
percentage of vegans per capita in the           Bana, a new vegan hot spot in Tel Aviv, serves     Family-run, the popular eatery also displays
world at over 400,000 people, around five        a playful selection of mains and enticing          rotating exhibitions by local artists on its
percent of Israel’s eight million residents.     sweet treats. Imaginative creations such as        walls. All the cuisine is cooked with passion
The Israel Ministry Tourism has gone as far      burnt beets with fresh peach and nectarine         and from the heart to produce an international
to position Israel as the ‘vegan nation’, with   in orange vinaigrette and cashew cream,            fusion of tastes: from roasted eggplant with
the movement’s growth largely aided by           appear on the menu alongside a black rice          herbs and tahina and Mejadra La J’ahdana
an influx of vegan produce, including soy        and zucchini quiche, with tempting desserts        – black sprouted lentils and whole rice or
and nut-based cheeses, milk, yogurts and         of ‘nice cream’ and chocolate bark with            buckwheat with vegetable patties, to curry
meat alternatives taking pride of place on       berries. Among a colourful fusion of cocktails     stews and salads. Save room for a tasty
supermarkets and local health store shelves.     is a not-to-be-missed ouzo, almond milk and        choice of dessert including carrot cake with
                                                 mint concoction.                                   walnuts and raisins or banana bread with
Israel’s vegan movement is often spotlighted in                                                     tahini and date honey.
mainstream media and was recently featured       Jerusalem
in British newspaper The Independent for a                                                          Haifa
story on: “How Tel Aviv Became the Vegan         Casual vegan ‘lunches on the go’ are
Capital of the World,” showcasing the country’s  plentiful across Jerusalem, with small eateries    The vegan lifestyle has spread as far as Israel’s
emphasis on freshly prepared produce.            frequented daily by their loyal patrons. Much      north, where healthy establishments are
                                                 adored by its clientele is Village Green, a        brimming with patrons and new eateries are
Israel’s creative culinary has played an         quaint vegan cafe located a few steps from         cropping at pace. Umm Kulthum is a small
invaluable role in shaping the vegan             Zion Square on Yoel Moshe Salomon St. The          vegan restaurant on Moriya Blvd. in Haifa,
movement, with hundreds of restaurants           family-run business has cultivated a distinct      serving a creative selection of Druze and
catering to the lifestyle. On your next trip to  menu featuring breakfast burekas and topped        Middle Eastern inspired dishes. If cauliflower
Israel, make it your mission to sample the       oatmeal, lunch choices of soups, quiches,          topped pizza takes your fancy, this is the
staples from these celebrated vegan dining       pies, lasagna, breads (including gluten free       place to dine. Hearty choices include fresh
spots.                                           varieties) and a self-service salad bar. Also      hummus bowls and Baba Ganoush, alongside
                                                 available are detoxifying wheatgrass or            traditional desserts of Knafeh and Malabi.
Tel Aviv                                         ginger shots, or perhaps the enticing display
                                                 of cakes and pastries have more appeal for         With numerous branches spread throughout
Start your morning in Tel Aviv with a breakfast  rounding off the meal.                             the country, Cafe Louise is a much-loved
at Meshek Barzilay, a ‘farm to table’                                                               chain in Israel. Its first branch, founded in Haifa,
establishment founded over 16 years on a                                                            received much applause for its extensive
family run farm outside of the city. Located in                                                     vegan cuisine comprising rich ‘morning
the picturesque Neve Tzedek neighbourhood,                                                          power’ bowls, layered salads, accompanying
the restaurant serves an inventive menu                                                             baked breads, boutique cheeses and even
with organic vegan dishes, inspired by                                                              seaweed shakes. Its deli has a mouth-
seasonal produce. Breakfast staples include                                                         watering repertoire of homemade baked
a chickpea omelette and a mix of nut-based                                                          goods, made from raw ingredients and super
vegan cheeses, whilst lunch and dinner                                                              foods, alongside brewed organic coffee
serves zesty salads, topped pizzas and Indian                                                       blends and aromatic tea infusions.
inspired dishes. The popular spot serves a
diverse clientele, both in its main restaurant
and adjoining take-away delicatessen.

An upscale vegan dining experience can be                                                           Main Photo: Cafe Louise
enjoyed at Zakaim, a family-owned vegan                                                             1. Nagila
haunt off one of Allenby’s side streets, run                                                        2. Meshek Barzilay
by Hila Zakaim and her brother Harel, who        3                                                  3. Bana. Photo: Dan Arvatz

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