Page 27 - Discover Israel Magazine - UK edition 2019
P. 27

The Mushroom                                      Timna Park, Arava region

trip to the desert

Yoni Shtern

Timna Park, located near Eilat and                valley, create landscape forms, and desert         fabrics, which were preserved due to the
               its new airport, is most commonly  vegetation aids in ensuring their stabilisation.   dryness of the desert, as well as date and
               known for Solomon's Pillars and    Timna is the ideal place for a coffee break and    olive pits. They were tested using advanced
               The Mushroom (a red sandstone      a silent, quality retreat within the breathtaking  carbon chemistry dating, which confirmed the
rock formation). The park has many hiking         desert.                                            claim that the hundreds of kilns and copper
trails, which integrate scenic views and                                                             mining sites of Timna date back to the reign of
rugged sandstone, along with magnificent          Archaeology and history lovers will enjoy          David and Solomon, rather than the Ancient
dunes where many children joyfully run and        returning to Timna thanks to the new               Egyptian rule over Timna and Arava.
play, as well as a history of ancient copper      archaeological discoveries made there. The
production from the biblical era of King          excavation mission of Tel Aviv University,         "The Slaves’ Hill" is located in close proximity
Judah's reign.                                    which was sent to Timna, works on site to          to the Solomon Pillars, and in walking distance
                                                  execute research, excavation and scientific        from most of the popular tourist attractions in
It’s a short drive from Eilat to the park – 20    testing. In past years, researchers have been      the park. On the hill, there is an ancient path
minutes north of the city on Route 90 and         working on a site known as "The Slave Hill".       leading to a gate house structure. It seems
you are in the heart of nature, surrounded by     This site was surveyed and researched during       that this hill was used over 3,000 years ago
tall mountains and impressive Acacia trees.       the 1850s by researchers who determined            as the administrative centre of Timna and a
The park offers a variety of excursions and       that the area was ruled by ancient Egyptians       security force was put in place by the central
entertainment – walking trails, bike paths,       during 12-14 BCE. In conjunction with this         government of Jerusalem in order to oversee
panoramic views, a fantastic restaurant           finding, Timna was introduced to travellers as     mining and copper production.
overlooking the lake, and extreme sports          an Egyptian site with Egyptian temples, cults
such as mountain climbing and rappelling.         and industry.                                      The copper production process is
                                                                                                     undoubtedly complex. Firstly, the ancient
Coloured sandstones, created by millions          New findings from the Tel Aviv University          peoples needed to determine which layers
of years of erosion, have been exposed in         research mission recorded archaeological           of sandstone had a significant concentration
the Timna Valley. The dunes leading down          layers dating precisely to Solomon and             of copper mineral deposits. The next step
from the mountains, which surround the            David's reign during 10 BCE. They included         required cutting narrow shafts into the ground

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