Page 28 - Discover Israel Magazine - UK edition 2019
P. 28

The new airport in Ovda

using mechanical tools and mining the            and strength of the rock layers which brought       The opening of the new Ramon
mineral from the sand. The copper mineral        about the variety of impressive shapes.             International Airport in April 2019 near
is called Turquoise and is of an azure blue      Colours in the sandstone belong to the              Park Timna, which is adjacent to the city
colour. In Eilat, at the jewellery shops, you    composition of minerals in the rock, including      of Eilat, will allow visitors and tourists
will often find precious gems in these colours.  the famous copper mineral that can be found         to enjoy a sun filled vacation in Eilat,
After collecting the minerals, the ancient       in the park.                                        indulge in spa treatments at the Dead Sea,
Timna workers proceeded to meld them in a                                                            and explore the Negev desert attractions
furnace. In order to streamline this process,    There is a modern visitors centre at the park’s     via cheap and direct flights from many
they established kilns which utilised bellows    entrance, which features a movie explaining         European cities. This desert experience
to light the oven, poured the minerals inside    the history of the area, a museum display, a        offers the European tourist a visit to the
them and then drained the copper liquid into     coffee house, a restaurant and, of course, all      beach in Eilat, dining at restaurants,
stone pans in order to cast the purest copper    the information you will need for a perfect stay    shopping and a bustling nightlife, along
ingots. These copper ingots were traded          at the park.                                        with walking and bike trails, breathtaking
throughout the ancient world.                                                                        observation points atop the edges of the
                                                 A Short trail to the Red Canyon                     Negev craters, a rich archaeological
The findings resulting from the research                                                             history on the Nabateans in the Negev,
conducted in Timna teach us the importance       Hiking enthusiasts can enjoy a spectacular          agriculture tours, fascinating interactions
of the region during the time of King Judah’s    hike in the Red Canyon. A half hour drive           with locals, star gazing, body and soul
reign between 6 and 10 BCE. Timna quarries       from the city of Eilat on Route 12 and you’ve       wellness workshops, and many other
were of great importance in the ancient          reached beautiful nature. Rocks with red,           options.
economy and determined ancient world             black and pink tinge create a unique view and
trade and trade routes. Timna, Arava and         make for a lovely hike. Walking the circular      Hike at sunrise or sunset
Eilat were key trading routes between ancient    route takes roughly an hour and a half and
Mediterranean ports and Red Sea ports.           includes an entrance to the canyon through        Mount Slate is located in the southern part
                                                 the ancient sandstone formations, which are       of the city of Eilat, along the coral beach
A recommended tour within Timna takes a          riddled with small, dry waterfalls, and require   nature reserve and atop the field school of the
couple of hours, depending on the interests      the use of pegs embedded in the rock to ease      society for nature protection. The short trail,
and recreations preferred by visitors. Some      one’s decent. The canyon was formed from          which starts at the camel ranch and reaches
are satisfied solely with the viewpoints         millions of years of water erosion, a process     the peak of Mount Slate, is the perfect hike.
overlooking the miraculous mountains, whilst     that slowly breaks them up, and then desert       The great bonus is the viewpoint overlooking
others would rather observe Solomon’s            floods withered the rocks to from the canyon.     the gulf of Eilat from which you can see four
Pillars, The Mushroom and arch formations.       Along the trail, impressively tall Acacia trees   countries: Jordan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and,
On the other hand, history buffs would rather    offer shade to the wild animals and hikers.       of course, Israel. The best time to visit the
visit the ancient sites, while others tend to    The Acacia trees are the central and most         observation deck is at dawn, so you can enjoy
incorporate many of the walking trails that      important habitat in the desert, surrounded       watching the sun rise over the mountains
Tima has to offer into their visit.              by ecological activity, insects, birds and        of Edom, although those seeking a striking
                                                 mammals which flock to the trees for food         landscape would prefer to visit at sunset.
The Timna Valley, and many of the unique         and shade.
rocks within it, were created by a geological                                                                   The top of the Gulf of Eilat and a view
process, spanning millions of years. Every                                                                      from Mount Tzfachot. Photo: Yoni Shtern
family type of rock on earth has been
exposed in Timna: igneous granite, ancient
continental sedimentary rock such as
sandstone, household chemical rocks such
as chalk, and younger drift rocks. The rich
diversity exists due to the unique geological
activity in the region.

The formation of the Arava canyon, which is
part of the Syrian – African break, along with
water erosion, are two factors which led to
the exposure of deep rooted ancient rocks
alongside younger ones. These effects are
breathtaking, especially when travelling in
areas occupied by Solomon’s Pillars, The
Mushroom and the arch formations. These
rock formations were created by the power
of water and discrepancies in the hardness

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