Page 22 - Discover Israel Magazine - UK edition 2019
P. 22

The Palm Trees.
                                                                                                     Photo: Erez Erenshtat,
                                                                                                     Desert Eco Tours

The Palm Trees                                    small canyon valley in sandstone landscape,        turn right on the dirt road leading to the bird
                                                  at the upper part of Nahal Tzafit. From there, it  watching park.
The palm trees at the Evrona Reservation          continues (marked in red) and descends onto
are a wonder to behold. The Doum Palms            the rocks of the canyon channel, heading           Salt Pools
Reserve, a special reserve in the area, has       eastward back to the Arava. The route ends
a rare group of Egyptian doum palms,              on a dirt road, also marked in red.                The salt pools are used for salt production
considered to be the northernmost point in                                                           in Israel and have become home to various
the world to contain the trees. The reserve       Bird Watching Park                                 types of birds. Here, you will find beautiful
presents a natural setting of unique desert                                                          flocks of flamingos which feed on small crabs.
landscape, where groups of rare species of        The International Birding and Research             Suitable for: All ages. You can reach the salt
palm trees have been preserved.                   Center in Eilat has many birds which flock         pools by car.
Suitable for: All ages. No requirement to         to Eilat from around the world, during the         Route: The route lasts from half an hour to
walk or climb.                                    migration period. The Bird Watching Park is        three hours.
Recommended time: Early morning or                a migration station for over 500 million birds     Important information: You can drive to the
afternoon.                                        from 200 different species each year, and the      salt pools with a regular vehicle.
How to get there: Drive on Route 90 on the        park serves as an activity centre for birds from   Recommended time: All day until nightfall.
Arava road for about 20km before turning          all over the world.                                How to get there: Drive from Eilat north on
right at the marked sign.                         Suitable for: All ages. You can reach the site     Route 90, onto the Arava road and turn right
                                                  by car.                                            at the sign for Evrona. The road leads straight
The Hidden Valley                                 Route: The length of the route within the park     to the salt pools.
                                                  is about half an hour.
A beautiful section of desert with colourful      Important information: Visitors can enjoy          Plan Ahead
rock formations, climbs and inspiring scenery.    picnics in the park at one of the designated
Suitable for: Families                            benches, see the salt pools and relax in the       Some recommended items to help you on all
Route: The non-circular route has a medium        peace and quiet of nature.                         routes are: water, a hat, sunscreen, walking
to difficult level and takes between five to six  Recommended time: All day until nightfall.         shoes, a map of the local area and mountains.
hours.                                            How to get there: Drive by car from Eilat          Further information on Eilat’s attractions,
Recommended time: Early morning or                northward on Route 90. Travel to the Yitzhak       events, hotels, nightlife and more, can be found
afternoon.                                        Rabin Border Crossing and immediately              at the official tourist site
How to get there: The site is located at a

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