Page 18 - Discover Israel Magazine - UK edition 2019
P. 18

If you thought Eilat was only a city            The desert around Eilat offers tourists a         as in the Eilat Mountains, singles tracks are
        of sea, backpackers and good            thrilling experience. Start with an ATV drive     available for field bikers across varying levels
        restaurants, then there’s a surprise    into the desert to take a closer look at the      of difficulty, as well as family adventure riding.
        in store. Alongside the spectacular     animals and wonderful nature formations.
attractions, unique beaches, coral reserves,    Aside from ATVs, you can venture to the           The Yoash River
a colourful promenade and Western malls,        desert by jeep, abseil the cliffs, or explore by
Eilat’s mountains, which surround the city and  foot with trained instructors who will teach      Mount Yoash rises to a height of 700 metres
the Arava, invite you on some of the most       you about the archaeology of the region and       and provides a wonderful panoramic view
beautiful hiking and cycling trails.            the history of the desert.                        overlooking the mountains of Eilat, the desert
                                                                                                  and the sea.
Eilat is an attraction for field trips, jeep    It’s the city’s natural elements that make the    Suitable for: Walking enthusiasts of all ages.
riding, cycling and special bike tracks, with   Eilat Mountains such a unique spot in the         Route: The length of the route is about 2km,
a combination of excursions that raise the      world, sculpted by the Solomon Pillars in         up to an hour and a half walk, mostly downhill,
threshold of excitement to new levels. Most     Timna Valley and the Amram Pillars in the         on a non-circular route.
of the tracks are suitable for 4x4 jeep tours   Arava, alongside rocks and mountains in           Important information: It is recommended
lasting several hours long, with points along   the colours of copper, iron and manganese.        to arrive with at least two vehicles and leave
the way to stop and explore nature.             Bicycle enthusiasts have a clear advantage        one at the end of the route and one next to
                                                                                                  the Yoash River sign, where you can continue

Eilat mbeoarcehtvhaacnaation

                                                                                                  Flamingos at the Salt Pools
                                                                                                  in the north of Eilat. Photo:
                                                                                                  Dafna Tal, Israel Ministry of

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