Page 20 - Discover Israel Magazine - UK edition 2019
P. 20

The Arava with the Judean Hills
in the background. Photo: Erez
Erenshtat, Desert Eco Tours

by foot. You can also reach the top of the      Recommended time: Early morning or                 can get out of the car and explore the area.
mountain by vehicle.                            afternoon.                                         After the trip, travel back to the fork in the
Recommended time: Early morning or              How to get there: Exit Eilat by car on Route       road and back onto the Arava road.
afternoon.                                      12, from Eilat towards Mitzpe Ramon. After
How to get there: Depart Eilat by car on        around a 15-minute drive (9km), there is a         Amram Pillars
Route 12, from Eilat towards Mitzpe Ramon.      sign pointing left to Mount Yoash. Continue
After approximately 15 minutes of driving       along the dirt path to the observation point.      Another beautiful natural formation to admire
(9km), there’s a sign pointing left to Mount                                                       up close, located in the Arava region.
Yoash. Exit the car and continue along the      Shehoret Canyon                                    Suitable for: Families
colourful sandstone path. After a 10-minute                                                        Route: The length of the route is short at
walk, the trail continues down the southern     A striking natural formation located outside of    around half an hour to an hour from the
side of the river to a sign that turns left to  Eilat, on a section of the Israel National Trail.  parking lot.
Nahal Yoash (marked in black). Continue         Suitable for: Walking enthusiasts of all ages.     Important information: It is recommended
straight on the blue trail to the observation   Route: The le‫ש‬ngth of the circular route takes     to enter the cave.
point above Nahal Gishron canyon.               istwo to three hours. There is also a non-         Recommended time: Early morning or
                                                circular course.                                   afternoon.
Mount Yoash Observation Point                   Recommended time: Early morning or                 How to get there: Drive on Route 90 on
                                                afternoon.                                         the Arava road until a marked turn about 15
Mount Yoash offers sweeping views across        How to get there: In order to reach Shehoret       minutes north of Eilat. Enter the dirt road and
the Eilat Mountains, Edom Mountains, the        Canyon, leave Eilat by car and drive north on      travel for 2.5km to where the road splits into
Gulf of Eilat and the desert landscape, which   the Arava road. After 9km, turn left going         two paths. Go right onto the green marked
extends across Israel, Egypt, Jordan and        west and follow the road signs for the Amram       trail towards Shehoret Canyon, then left on the
Saudi Arabia. The mountain is named Yoash       Pillars and Shehoret Canyon for about 2km.         blue marked trail towards Amram Pillars. From
after one of the kings of Judea.                You will come to a fork in the road where you      here, continue along the footpath marked in
Suitable for: All ages.                         turn left towards Shehoret Canyon and will         black (about 500 metres) to the site.
                                                continue until the parking lot. Once here, you

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