Page 25 - Discover Israel Magazine - UKA Edition 2023
P. 25
On left: Achziv Shore. Photo: Amir Yarchi.
Right: The spectacular shoreline of the
Western Galilee, as seen from Rosh Hanikra.
The ruins of Montfort Castle.
The Galilee's rich culinary scene.
By Sarit Yishai Levi
When God created the Western Galilee, Arabs, Druze, Bedouins and Baha’i – all
he drew a breathtaking view, for there is living side by side in harmony.
nothing more spectacular than the perfect
combination of azure seas and green There is no greater pleasure than a picnic
mountains sweeping down straight onto under the trees in Goren Park, with gorgeous
the beach, with history, archaeology and a views of the Montfort Crusader Fortress; and
colorful human mosaic to boot. nothing beats a nighttime tour with lanterns
at the Yehi'am Crusader Fortress. Nothing
The Western Galilee offers a thousand gems is more breathtaking than a Mediterranean
- wooded mountains, streams rushing into sunset, seen from the Keshet (or Arch)
the Mediterranean, romantic and secluded Cave, with its northern wall collapsing and
beaches interlaced with coves and small creating a spectacular open view towards
lagoons, and most of all, welcoming Bezet Stream. Nothing is more exhilarating
people, living within reach of the mountains than a visit to Rosh Hanikra, with its many
and the blue sea. The area holds cities sea caves cut out by the surge over millenia,
and villages, small towns and kibbutzim creating one of the world’s greatest natural
(collective communities), and is made up of wonders. And there’s nothing more romantic
a fascinating human fabric. Next to the cities than a stroll on one of the beaches of the
are small well-kept kibbutzim, with houses Western Galilee, or a carriage ride down
sitting on the slopes overlooking glorious Nahariya’s main road.
mountain and sea views. And there are The Western Galilee offers a myriad of
hidden villages deep in the forests, with red attractions and opportunities for a relaxed
rooftops and beautiful backyards surrounded or extremely active holiday: hotels, luxurious
by manicured lawns and trees, farmland and or affordable B&Bs, Jeep rides, horse riding
crops. Arab villages cluster around a mosque and rappelling, white-water rafting, walking
or a church, with a little fountain and a statue trails, bike trails along the beaches, streams
of the Virgin Mary holding baby Jesus. and mountains, national parks, museums,
galleries and artist studios, and last but not
Nahariya was built in European style by least, some great restaurants reflecting the
Jewish immigrants who fled from Nazi influences of the many peoples living in the
Germany and settled on Israel’s northernmost area: from the best bistro restaurants in
beach, where they built a thriving town. the country, through Israeli, Arab, Druze,
And let us not forget the crown jewel: the Romanian, Georgian, Kurdish and Moroccan
city of Acre, capital of the Western Galilee cuisine, with home cooks offering gourmet
and an architectural and historical gem, dinners in their living rooms, as well as fine
recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage wineries, boutique breweries and dairy farms.
Site. Acre is the only still-lived-in Crusader
city in the world, and a visit to this ancient This is the Western Galilee: mountains and
port town is like traveling back in time. You jagged beaches, with the waves crashing
can discover its quaint alleys, take a walk on its shores; countless views and endless
around the colorful bazaar and beautiful old attractions – from the beautiful sea caves
fishing port, and visit its many well-preserved capital of the Kingdom of Jerusalem in the at Rosh Hanikra to the great promenade at
archeological sites, encapsulating its story 13th century and capital of the Galilee in the Achziv and Bezet Beach, as well as many
- from the Bronze Age to the Hellenistic, 18th century. According to tradition, this is streams and rivulets, ancient allyeways,
Roman, Crusader, Arabic and Ottoman also the burial place of Amnon, son of King Crusader fortresses, Mediterranean scrub,
times, through the British mandate to our David, and that of the prophet Deborah. The prehistoric caves, an artificial lake, an ancient
present time. Each and every one of these city is mentioned in the Talmud, and was port, archeological sites, history and battle
invaders has left their mark on this gorgeous inhabited by many Talmudic scholars at the heritage, thriving agriculture, banana and
and unique city. time. During the Middle Ages, the city was avocado groves, hidden villages deep in
awash with Crusaders, who set up churches the forest or on mountain tops, a one-of-a-
Acre is also mentioned once in Bible: “Neither and religious orders, some of which survive kind ecological community, hairpin mountain
did Asher drive out the inhabitants of Accho, to this day. roads and picturesque villages, church
nor the inhabitants of Zidon” (Judges 1, bells, mosques and synagogues, beautiful
31), and according to Jewish tradition, when The Western Galilee is also a prime example courtyards, bazaars, and an ancient town
the flood reached the beaches of Acre, God of co-existence and mutual respect, with called Peki’in, home to Muslims, Christians,
ordered it to cease. Acre switched hands communities of all the various religions and Druze and one Jewish family who has never
many times over the millennia, and was the ethnicities - Jewish, Muslim and Christian left.