Page 27 - Discover Israel Magazine - UKA Edition 2023
P. 27

Reuven Doron

           Millions of Christian pilgrims travel each year   to  commemorate  these  events.  While  in
           from all over the world to walk the famous   Jerusalem, Queen Helena discovered the site
           Via  Dolorosa,  the  “Road  of  Suffering,”   of Golgotha and had her son erect the Church
           associated  with  Jesus  of  Nazareth’s  final   of  the Holy  Sepulcher  commemorating  the
           walk from Pilot’s court to Golgotha where   crucifixion, death, burial, and resurrection of
           He was to be crucified. The traditional path   Jesus according to the Christian faith.
           wanders through the narrow alleys of the Old
           City of Jerusalem, ending at the Church of   The  4th  Century  Church  is  located  in  the
           the Holy Sepulcher, which contains the final   Christian Quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem   The Holy light.
                                                                                   On left: Inside the church.
           five Stations of the Cross, signifying the last   and was rebuilt many times throughout   Photos: Dafna Tal, Imot Flickr.
           episodes of the Passion of Christ.  history.  The  architecture  reflects  multiple
                                              layers  of  constructions  stretching  over
           While this is the holiest site for Orthodox   thousands of years including Byzantine,   securing the rights of Christians to worship at
           Christianity in Jerusalem, we must remember   Crusader, Muslim,  and Ottoman  periods to   the Church.
           that Islam rejects the notion that Jesus, called   the  present  day.  The  Church  building  bears
           Isa in Arabic, was crucified and died. Muslims   the  scars  of time  and  the distinct orthodox   Saladin assigned responsibility for the Church
           believe that Jesus did not die but rather was   style of high ceilings, low hanging deem lights,   doors to two prominent Muslim families. The
           taken up to heaven by Allah and will return at   strong fragrance of incense, and many alters   Joudeh  family  was  entrusted  with  the  key
           the end of the age.                scattered  throughout  its chapels  and  inner   itself, and the Nussaiba family, who had been
                                              spaces.  The  atmosphere  is  one  of  mystery,   the custodians of the Church doors since the
           The  Quran  speaks  about  it  in  Surah  Nisa,   designed to draw the visitors into the heart of   days of Caliph Umar, retained the position of
           saying, “That they said (in boast), ‘We killed   God. The focal points inside the building are   opening  the  Church  doors.  Every  morning
           Isa, son of Mary, the Messenger of Allah;’ But   of course the last five Stations of the Cross,   and evening, two Israeli officials accompany
           they  killed  him  not,  nor  crucified  him.  Only   commemorating Jesus’ crucifixion, anointing,   a member of the Joudeh family who brings
           a likeness of that was shown to them. And   burial, and resurrection.  the doors’ great key to a member of the
           those who differ therein are full of doubts, with                      Nussaiba family who unlocks the doors of the
           no knowledge, but only conjecture to follow,  Muslim – Christian Harmony in the Holy   great Church in a most remarkable display of
           for  a  surety  they  killed  him  not.  Nay,  Allah  Land             harmony and cooperation between Muslims
           raised him unto Himself, and Allah is exalted   Muslim-Christian relationships in the Holy   and Christians in the Holy Land.
           in Power, Wise.” [4:157-158].      Land  were often  contentious,  and special
                                              covenants and agreements were formed   Keeping a permanent presence and
           This historic Church is one of the four churches   over the centuries to promote peace and   sharing space in the Church of the Holy
           that Queen Helena of Rome established in the   guarantee safe access to the holy sites. The   Sepulcher are several Orthodox Christian
           Holy Land following her 4th Century A.D. visit.   famous Mosque of Kaliph Umar stands right   denominations including the Roman Catholic,
           Queen Helena was the mother of the Roman   next to the Church of the Holy Sepulcher as   Greek Orthodox, Armenian Apostolic, Coptic
           Emperor Constantine who turned Rome into   a reminder of the strong  Muslim-Christian   Orthodox, Syriac Orthodox, and Ethiopian
           a Christian empire during the 3rd Century   bond in the Holy Land following the Islamic   Orthodox. Here, in the center of the Old City
           A.D.,  and  history  indicated  that  she  was  a   7th Century conquest, commemorating   of Jerusalem, visitors and pilgrims from all
           God-fearing Christian.             the  "Covenant  of  Umar”  which  guaranteed   over the world reach the focal point of the
                                              protection for Christian pilgrims in the Holy   story of Jesus and can share the deepest
           Convincing her son the Emperor to sponsor   Land.                      sentiment of Orthodox Christianity.
           what some call  “the  first  archeological
           expedition  in  the  history  of  the  world,” the   Kaliph Umar appointed  one of the great   As millions of pilgrims pass through the
           Queen made the epic journey from Rome to   ancestors of the respected Islamic Nussaiba   massive doors each year seeking to connect
           the Holy Land to research the life, teachings,   family as governor of Jerusalem, and the   with God’s heart of love and mercy, all visitors
           death, and resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth.   keys of the Church of the Holy Sepulcher   are warmly welcomed to the great halls of the
           Interviewing local shepherds, farmers, and   were  placed  in  his  custody.  Following  the   historic Church of the Holy Sepulcher in the
           elders of the Jewish Christian community,   Crusaders’  reign  and  defeat by  Sultan   heart of Jerusalem.
           the  Queen  identified  the  locations  of  the   Saladin,  another  historic  agreement  was
           most  important  parts  of the story of  Jesus   signed between Saladin and King Richard
           and constructed four historic churches   the  Lionheart  in  the  year  1,192  A.D.,  again   The writer is the Director of Sar-El Academy, Sar-El
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