Page 23 - Discover Israel Magazine - UKA Edition 2023
P. 23

and  Egyptians  have  led  many  to  argue  its   an  ancient  spread  that  has  been  around   Popular treats among Israelis, found in almost
           origins lie elsewhere. Whats more, the word   for  7000  years  and  consumed  globally,  is   all supermarkets, include  Bamba, peanut-
           ‘hummus’  comes  from  the  Arab  word  for   made  from  sesame  seeds,  which,  when   butter  flavored  puffed  maize  bites  which
           ‘chickpea’,  leading  others  to  suggest  it  has   ground  correctly,  produce  a  deliciously   account for over 25 percent of the country’s
           Arabic  origins.  Regardless  of  its  humble   creamy  side  dish,  dip  or  topping.  Halva  is   snack market. There’s also Bissli, a crunchy
           beginnings,  hummus  is  a  much-adored   a crumbly confection with origins spanning   wheat  snack  produced  in  flavors  of  grill,
           spread  in  Israel,  often  served  as  part  of  a   the Middle East, Central Asia and even as far   onion, barbeque, pizza, falafel and Mexican,
           meze or as a main dish, sometimes creatively   as India and North Africa, made from one of   shaped as squares, twists, tubes and hoops.
           garnished with pine nuts, hard boiled eggs,   more ingredients including semolina, nut or   And if you’re lucky enough to find it, Krembo!
           paprika and sumac. Dig in to your hummus   seed butters. In Israel, it is more commonly   The marshmallow dome coated in chocolate,
           the Israeli way – that is using your pita bread   produced from sesame seeds, infused with   similar  to  the  Scottish  tea  cake  and  Danish
                                              sugar syrup and egg whites. Stocked fresh
           (a round flat bread) in place of a spoon!   throughout the country’s local markets, huge   flødebolle, flies off the shelves during winter.
                                                                                  Sold only from October to February, demand
                                              slabs  of  halva  are  available  in  all  variety  of   for  Krembo  increases  year  upon  year  –  so
           Tahini & Halva                     flavors, from pistachio and chocolate marble,   grab it if you can!
           A  trip  to  Israel  is  incomplete  without  the   to creative inventions with ginger, cardamom
           irresistible tastes of tahini and halva. Tahini,   and rose oil.

                                                                                  DISCOVER  ISRAEL    23
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