Page 20 - Discover Israel Magazine - UKA Edition 2023
P. 20

Ein Karem. Photo:Shutterstock

           merging of ethnicities in Jerusalem creates a   walk the neighborhood and nature will greet   Luxury Shopping
           unique cultural tapestry. Whether searching   you as a package deal.   Mamilla Mall is one of the most luxurious
           for creamy hummus or the freshest fish in the                          shopping centers in the country, known for
           market, good food is a must for Jerusalemites   Enjoy the tranquility along Ma'ayan Street,   its stunning design and high-end shops,
           and their visitors. You can find many options   where you’ll find the Ein Karem springs, and   restaurants with incredible views, and
           for a quick meal in a local hole-in-the-  above it, a mosque. In the area is also the San   pampering hotels. Home to the shops and
           wall eatery, or four courses in an upscale   Vincent monastery, a home for children with   galleries of the world-class artist and designer
           restaurant. There is also “Meorav Yerushalmi”   disabilities and head injuries of all religions,   Avi Luvaton, this is one of the best shopping
           – a traditional Jerusalem mixed grill served in   supported by the Israeli Ministry of Welfare.  districts in the country to buy one-of-a-
           pita bread—simple and delicious!                                       kind jewelry, Judaica, and Jewish art. While
                                              The Church of Yelizaveta Feodorovna, where   Mamilla Mall certainly wouldn’t be out of place
           The Machne Yehuda Market           the nuns speak strictly in Russian, is open to   in upscale districts of London or Paris, it still
           A visit to Jerusalem simply requires a trip   visitors during limited hours (10:30-12:00 and   maintains a uniquely Jerusalem atmosphere
           to Machane Yehuda Market. By day, this   14:00-16:00) except on Sundays. Admission   that you simply must experience.
           bustling, colorful, Middle Eastern market is   is free. The Sisters of Zion Convent, another
           brimming with vendors pushing their goods.   point  of  interest  along  the route, is  located
           By night, you’ll find a vibrant nightlife scene   at the end of the neighborhood street.    The Shrine of the Book at the Israel Museum.
                                                                                   Photo: Courtesy of the Israel Museum
           with a variety of bars and restaurants that   Other churches include the Church of John
           open shop. The festive vibe in the market is   the Baptist, the Greek Orthodox Church,
           simply unparalleled. You’ll always find a spot   the Visitation Church, and the Virgin Mary.
           to eat and drink, but most importantly – the   Admission is free but with limited hours.
           best company among the friendly locals.
                                              For an alternate exploration, visit the Emek
           Hiking in the Jerusalem Area       HaTemanim neighborhood on the slopes of
           For nature and liturgical spirituality between   Nahal Sorek in Ein Kerem. This quiet Yemenite
           churches and monasteries, look no further   neighborhood features stone houses and
           than the repertoire of the hiking trails in the   preserved courtyards as they were when the
           picturesque Ein Kerem neighborhood. Simply   Yemenites immigrated to Israel.

           DISCOVER  ISRAEL    20
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