Page 17 - Discover Israel Magazine - UKA Edition 2023
P. 17
scene, nature, tourism sites, and many ac- Judean Desert Negev
commodation options are a major pull for all The Judean Desert, sometimes called the The Negev desert in the south of Israel is
types of travelers. Desert of the Holy City, is considered one of home to a vast display of rare geological
the smallest stretches of wilderness in the phenomena. Ramon crater, the largest natural
Climb and observe the view from atop Mount world. Bordering Jerusalem and Bethlehem crater in the world, is where you’ll find people
Tabor, stroll through the market and the to the west and the Dead Sea to the east, soaking up the light as the sun rises above.
biblical sites of Nazareth, and get spiritual this tiny desert contains archeological and Don't be surprised if you meet roaming Ibex
in Old Safed — just a flavor of the simply historical sites sacred to three religions, some on the way!
unmissable experiences in this spectacular of which are still active today, such as the Nabi
region. Musa mosque and the Mar Saba Monastery. This particular desert is a living example of how
Kinneret the wilderness can bloom into a thriving tour-
At the foot of the Golan Heights and Galilee Witnessing the beauty of the sun rising from ist and economic center that is a renowned
region is the Sea of Galilee (Kinneret), feeding the Judean desert, across the Dead Sea and household name throughout the world.
off the Jordan River and which originates in Jordan, is an experience for everyone. During
Lebanon and the Hermon region. From here, the winter, the desert streams flow, and the The geographical and climatic diversity in Is-
it continues all the way down to the Dead Sea land is awash with greenery, vegetation, and rael, a combination of Mediterranean warmth,
(the lowest point on earth) in the south. sometimes a special sighting of the bright red central and southern Arava regions and arid
kalaniot (anemone) flowers. desert, showcases a variety of ever-chang-
The Kinneret is considered a tourist attraction ing colors throughout the year. Contained in
around the year. Water sports, the convenient The Judean Desert is famous for its Jeep trips a compact country that allows for ease of
access and proximity to the Golan Heighrs across the sweeping landscape, and, due to travel between the regions. Summer, winter,
and the Galilee, as well as the Gilboa its size, is ideal for one-day visits and accessf fall, and spring — each part is unique with a
Mountains and the city of Tiberias on the to the Dead Sea. Where else will you find a combination of historical sites, and, as it was
shores of the Sea of Galilee, are also reasons desert that can be crossed on foot in less written thousands of years ago, all within the
to visit. Just don't forget swimwear! than a day's walk? land of milk and honey.
A countr y of colors
Wadi Qelt in the Judean Desert. Photo:
Ron Peled. On left: A Tel Aviv beach on the
Mediterranean Sea. Photo: Shutterstock
Ein Ovdat in the Negev. Photo: Ron Peled
The Sea of Galilee. Photo: Itamar Grinberg.
On left: Mount Hermon. Photo: ShutterStock