Page 13 - Discover Israel Magazine - UKA Edition 2023
P. 13

messaging, pill cameras, drip irrigation, and
           other agricultural technologies that help feed
           the world, wearable robotics, and hundreds
           of other groundbreaking innovations. In fact,
           modifications to re-invent the cherry tomato
           can also be accredited to Israel.
           In fact, Israel is bringing the future to our daily
           reality. It brings technology to problems you may
           not have thought of. These inventions paved
           the way for new possibilities and capabilities for
           millions of people worldwide, either by saving
           lives  or  by  improving  the  environment  and
           making the world a better place.
           If  you  have  read  this  far,  I  assume  you  are
           already convinced that Israel’s achievements,
           in terms of innovation, are impressive by any   The software for Waze was developed in Israel
           international  standard.  Notwithstanding,  you
           may wonder what made it the Startup Nation
           of the World.
           Well,  according  to  my  research,  supported
           by other studies, the main element that sets   in the level of innovation of Israel and that   Such diversification further supports improving
           Israel  apart  and  explains  its  extraordinary   of  other  countries.  Similarly,  other  cultural   the entrepreneurial and innovative spirit.
           achievements  in innovation is  the Israeli   aspects, such as the tendency to challenge   During  your  visit  to  Israel,  you  will  not  be
           population's unique culture and characteristics.   conventions, thinking outside the box, strong
                                              improvisational skills, networking, pluralism,   able to ignore the cultural uniqueness of this
           Cultural values such as tolerance of risk and   cultural openness, a spirit of authenticity, and   beautiful  country  and  its  diverse  population,
           failure, individualism, low power distance, and   engagement were also found to be elements   which constitutes the secret ingredient in
           lack of formality are not only acknowledged   that explain the power of the Israeli innovation   the  innovation  recipe  of  a  tiny  country,  that
           as having a positive impact on the emergence   ecology over others. Moreover, Israel has many   managed within a few decades to become a
           of innovation but also explain the difference   different cultures represented in its population.   fountain of innovations that changed the world.

                                                                                        Israel is accredited for transforming the
                                                                                        cherry tomato. Photos: Shutterstock

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