Page 23 - Discover Israel Magazine - UK edition 2020
P. 23

November 2019                      Purim Street Party, Tel Aviv        Jerusalem Wine Festival
                                              An annual party taking place across Tel Aviv to   An annual event inviting visitors to taste wines from a
           Open Restaurants Jerusalem         celebrate the Jewish festival of Purim.   selection of Israel’s top wineries.
           An urban culinary festival showcasing specialised
           menus with Middle Eastern tastes and flavours.   April 2020            Hutzot Hayotzer Fair, Jerusalem
                                                                                  An annual outdoor international arts and crafts fair
           Jerusalem International Oud Festival  Eilat Food Festival              hosted during the summer.
           A festival celebrating Arab musical heritage.   Celebrating the best of Eilat’s cuisine with a fun
                                              gathering and live performances.    Jerusalem Beer Festival
           Desert Marathon, Eilat                                                 Running for 15 years, the annual festival showcases
           An annual marathon taking place in the desert.  Volcano Race, Golan Heights  over 120 local and international beers.
           December 2019                      A challenging event comprising two main races of   International Klezmer Festival Jerusalem
                                              15km and 30km across five mountains in the Golan
                                              Heights.                            Klezmer musicians from around the world gather for
           Hullegeb Israel-Ethiopian Arts Festival,                               the energising festival.
           A special festival dedicated to works by Ethiopian   May 2020          Hutzot Hayotzer Fair, Jerusalem
           artists across dance, music and theatre.                               An annual outdoor international arts and crafts fair
                                              GFNY Jerusalem                      hosted during the summer.
           January 2020                       A competition of cycling endurance across different
                                              levels of skill and course lengths.
                                                                                  Summer edition of the festival featuring three days
           ISRAMAN Eilat                                                          Red Sea Jazz Festival, Eilat
           A sporting event of swimming, cycling and running,   Jerusalem Day, Jerusalem  of concerts and jam sessions from Israeli and
           with a choice of two intense distances.  Celebrating the independence of the holy city with   international artists.
                                              parties, concerts and more.
           February 2020
                                              Fresh Paint, Tel Aviv               September 2020
           Eilat Chamber Music Festival       One of the biggest art events in Tel Aviv bringing
           A diverse programme of concerts featuring both   galleries and museums together for an art fair  International Chamber Music Festival,
           established musicians and rising stars.                                Jerusalem
                                                                                  A programme of musical performances showcasing
           Tel Aviv Marathon                  June 2020                           Israeli and international musicians.
           The annual Tel Aviv marathon, attracting over 40,000
           runners.                           Midburn, Negev                      Open House Tel Aviv
                                              Regional cultural and creative festival organised by   The event showcases homes, public buildings and
           Eilat Night Run                    the Israeli Burning Man community.  offers architectural tours to the public.
           An event featuring running routes of different lengths
           and thousands of participants.     Design Week Jerusalem
                                              A week of influential design featuring events,   October 2020
           March 2020                         performances and both local and international
                                              exhibitions.                        Bible Marathon, Shiloh
           Fattal Rock Festival, Eilat                                            Historical marathon stretching from Rosh Ha’ayin to
           The hotel chain hosts a weekend of rock   Tel Aviv Pride Parade        the ancient city of Shiloh.
           performances.                      A week of pride celebrations culminates in a parade
                                              of parties and DJ sets across the beach front.     The Jerusalem March
           Sounds of the Old City, Jerusalem                                      Taking place during the festival of Sukkot (Feast of
           An international festival featuring music inspired by   White Night Tel Aviv  Tabernacles), the march features various walking
           traditions of the Old City.        A cultural night celebrating Tel Aviv with events and   routes and entertainment.
                                              shows taking place across the city.
           Classicameri Festival Eilat
           A festival of classical music, held in Eilat annually                  Sovev Tel Aviv
           since 1998.                        Jerusalem Festival of Light         The largest annual cycling even in the country, taking
                                              An annual event in the Old City featuring light shows,
                                                                                  place across three routes.
                                              installations, performances and artwork.
           Food Festival Eilat
           Celebrating the best of Eilat’s cuisine with a fun                     Night Run Tel Aviv
           gathering and live performances.   July/August 2020                    An annual 10km night run around Tel Aviv.
           Jerusalem Marathon                 Jerusalem Film Festival             InDNegev Music Festival, Mitzpe Gvulot, Negev
           The annual marathon attracts around 30,000   Established in 1984, the festival presents an   One of the country’s biggest music festivals,
           runners who can also take part in shorter courses.   international platform of Israeli and world cinema.   featuring a three-day line-up of Israeli bands.

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