Page 21 - Discover Israel Magazine - UK edition 2020
P. 21

Israel's Four Seas

                                                A bounty of adventures by the sea in one unforgettable trip
 The Sea of Galilee by Tiberas. Photo: Itamar Grinberg
           Leoni Jesner
                 or those who thought it impossible   of Mount Carmel and surrounded by a curve   hypersaline lake at over 430m below sea
                 to visit four seas in the one country,   of  almost  64km  of  coastline  along  the  Bay   level, is easily reachable. Year round, visitors
                 in  one  trip,  think  again.  Israel,  a   of Haifa. The city has beaches to enjoy and   flock  to  the  region  to  soak  up  its  purifying,
           Fcompact,       diversely  populated  a renowned port, where a wide selection   oxygen rich air and mineral water, nourishing
           and  uniquely  positioned  country,  is  in  fact   of  restaurants  are  for  the  choosing  amid  a   mud – a nurturing treatment for the skin, and
           bordered  by  four  seas  –  the  Mediterranean   backdrop  of  sea  vessels  coming  and  going   sweeping  views  of  the  mountainous  terrain
           Sea,  the  Sea  of  Galilee  and  the  Dead  Sea,   throughout the day.  beyond. Its salty waters allows swimmers
           the Red Sea meaning it is more than possible                           to float on the surface for a deeply relaxing
           to experience holy encounters, partake in   The  remainder  of  Israel’s  coastline  includes   and unique moment of enjoyment under the
           adventurous sports at sea, float on water, and   the  seaside  towns  of  Netanya,  Herzilya,  Bat   gentle rays of desert sun.
           enjoy endless fun in the sun across four seas.   Yam,  Ashdod  and  of  course,  the  city  of  Tel
                                              Aviv, where fun in the sun is to be had all day
           Whether it’s a few days or an extended trip in   long.  And  for  a  contrast  in  backdrop,  Jaffa,   Many popular beaches surround the Dead
           Israel, visitors can travel between seas with   an ancient port city, inhabited by a diversity of   Sea,  including  Ein  Gedi’s  turquoise  water
           ease and in next to no time.       religious communities, is a must-visit, not least   beach at the southern end, where thick
                                              for its choice of seafront restaurants where the   mud, straight from the sea floor, is ready for
           The Mediterranean Sea              catch of the day is always on the menu.  lathering on the skin. Ein Bokek Beach by the
           Israel’s  coastline,  spanning  from  the  north                       hotel strip has a south and central beach, as
           at  Rosh  Hanikra  to  the  southern  city  of   Sea of Galilee        well  as a  renowned  skin  care  centre  which
           Ashkelon, is home to a large percentage of the   The Sea of Galilee is technically a freshwater   treats people from all around the world.
           population. A fascinating discovery of diverse   lake  better  known  as  Lake  Tiberias  or  the
           coastal plain, Israel’s coastal expanse has it   Kinneret.  With  an  area  size  of  166km²,  it  is
           all, from packed beaches and remote sandy   said to be the very site where Jesus walked   Red Sea
           hideaways,  to  seafront  cultural  landmarks   on  water.  A  beautiful  geographical  wonder,   Eilat, the sunny, tax free shopping resort in the
           and urban landscapes.              the Sea of Galilee dates back to one of the   desert, and Israel’s southernmost city is the
                                              earliest settlements in Israel.     perfect getaway at any time of year. Resting
           In the north of Israel is the city of Nahariya, a                      on the shores of the Red Sea as an inlet of the
           seaside  town  resting  on  the  Mediterranean   Encircling  the  lake  at  the  north-western   Arabian Ocean, Eilat is reachable in two hours
           shore,  which claims to have striking similarities   shore  are  the  biblical  towns  of  Capernaum,   by hours by car from the Dead Sea or in four
           to Miami Beach. With palm tree lined streets,   where Jesus performed many of his miracles;   to six hours by car or bus from Tel Aviv. There
           shops,  restaurants and bars,  coupled  with   Tabgha,  the  speculated  fourth  resurrection   is also the option to catch a quick 50 minute
           a year-round sunny climate, fishing pier and   place of Jesus; and Ginosar, a Kibbutz with   flight from Ben Gurion Airport, landing directly
           popular  beaches,  Nahariya  is  a  draw  for   a population of 600 people, where the Jesus   into Eilat’s new Ramon International Airport.
           tourists from all around the world.    boat, a vessel discovered in 1986 made from
                                              10 different types of wood is exhibited today.   Beach  promenades  lead  to  the  gleaming
           A short journey 11km  south is the picturesque                         waterfront where a sandy paradise stretches
           town  of  Old  Akko,  a  port  city  with  a  rich   With much to do and see in the area, visitors can   as  far  as  the  eye  can  see  and  where  an
           past, where Muslims, Christians and Jewish   rent a bike to cycle around the lake, hike various   underwater world is dominated by tropical fish
           residents live in coexistence. Recognised as   trails  in  the  region  and  explore  the  southern   and colourful coral. Experience the beauty of
           a UNESCO World Heritage Site for its remains   point by canoe. It also worthwhile stopping by   the reef up close in the 12 metre deep Coral
           of the Crusader town resting on street level   Kibbutz  Degania,  Israel’s  first  Kibbutz  known   World Underwater Observatory Marine Park,
           and underground, Akko’s port is one of the   as  ‘The  Mother  of  Kibbutzim.’  The  site  was   a submarine offering crystal clear views of fish
           oldest in the world where visitors can explore   founded  by  a  handful  of  idealistic  visionary   in their natural habitat and vibrant masses of
           the  sea  by  boat  or  enjoy  Middle  Eastern   Zionist immigrants in 1909 who purchased land   coral.
           delights  whilst  watching  the  fishermen  at   from the Arab village of Umm Juni.
           work.                                                                  Four seas in one trip? It’s more than achievable
                                              Dead Sea                            in  Israel,  a  country  of  diverse  landscapes
           Further south yet is Haifa, Israel’s third most   Located  about  a  two  hour  drive  from  Tel   where each stop en route is merely a short
           populated city, a seaport built on the slopes   Aviv,  the  Dead  Sea,  the  world’s  deepest   drive away.

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