Page 13 - Discover Israel Magazine - UK edition 2020
P. 13

Dolphin Reef, Eilat. Photo: IMOT

                                              beautiful rocky terrain with an abundance
                                              of history, sea life and natural surroundings,
                                              attracts up to 15,000 beach-goers daily
                                              during summer. With beach sports, beautiful   Useful phrases
                                              cliffs  and  serene  spaces  for  relaxing  and
                                              picnicking,  the  beach  is  a  perfect  example   Overheard on the Israeli beach:
                                              of preserving a natural landscape. Nearby is   Artic, artic, artic = Ice-lollies
                                              the Kibbutz Palmachin Camping site where   Gli-da = Ice cream
                                              fishing is a popular pastime.        Te-a-mim = Flavours
                                                                                   Ava-tiach = Watermelon
                                              Eilat                                Matkot = A paddle board game popular
                                              Coral Beach Nature Reserve           on Israeli beaches
                                              A one kilometre reserve of shimmering clear   Be-ten Gav = Hebrew slang for
                                              waters makes the Red Sea coast one of Israel’s   ‘stomach back’, translating to ‘a time of
                                              most flocked to destinations for underwater
                                              activities. Featuring over 100 varieties of coral   relaxation’.
                                              and 650 species of colourful fish, this popular
                                              location for snorkelling showcases the reef’s   Good to know
                                              natural underworld beauty. The reef,  which   Jelly fish season
                                              is easily accessible from the beach front by a   Tel Aviv’s jellyfish season occurs
                                              pier, allows visitors to view sea life from pools
                                              and bridges surrounding the area. Snorkelling   between the months of May and October.
                                              equipment is available on-site for rental.   Keep up-to-date with their status at
                Paddling along the ancient harbour of                    , a website
                Caesaria. Photos: Shutterstock  Dolphin Reef Beach                 showing, among other things, sections
                                              A treasured beach of both tourists and   of sea where jellyfish are more prone to
                                              locals, Dolphin Reef Beach, an ecological site   making an appearance.
                       Dancing on the beach in Haifa.   unique to Israel and the rest of the world, is
                       Photo: Itamar Grinberg, IMOT
                                              populated with majestic bottlenose dolphins.
                                              An adventure of a lifetime allows visitors who   Beach rentals
                                              want to snorkel in a guided group alongside   Sunbeds, chairs, umbrellas and beach
                                              the beautiful creatures, or take a step further   lockers are available to rent at most
                                              and  dive  head  first  underwater  to  observe   beaches, some of which have ticket
                                              dolphins in their natural habitat. Time at sea   machines stationed by the beach. As a
                                              can be followed by a dip in the multi-sensory   guide, expect to pay around 12 shekels
                                              relaxation  pools  and  lunch  or  dinner  by  the   (approximately £2.75) for a sunbed and
                                              beach-side restaurant and bar.
                                                                                   6 shekels (approximately £1.40) for an
                                              Mosh Beach
                                              A  relaxing  Island-vibe  paradise  at  the  Red
                                              Sea,  Mosh  Beach  has  major  appeal  for   Hottest time of year
                                              visitors looking for a good time. A hotspot   Summer months in Israel run from
                                              for live shows and events and workshops,   June to September, where temperatures
                                              with a vegetarian restaurant and cocktail
                                              bar on hand, the beach is also perfect for   can soar above 32C. Therefore, it is
                                              catching a wave, unwinding with a sea-side   suggested to avoid sunbathing between
                                              spa  treatment,  resting  among  the  shade  of   the hours of 11am and 4pm. Sea
                                              the  trees  or  lounging  on  a  scatter  of  floor   temperatures dip as low at 16.5C in
                                              cushions, all the while admiring a backdrop of   January, and reach over 29C during the
                                              the sweeping Jordanian mountains.    month of August.

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