Page 9 - Discover Israel Magazine - UK edition 2020
P. 9

An up close encounter   of  Israel’s br eathtaking scenery and natur e at its best

           around 470km, the winding nature of the   In the book The Israel National Trail and the   Yesha Fort through to Dishon exposes hikers
           footpath increases the breadth of ground   Jerusalem Trail, by Jacob Saar and Yagil   to captivating views of mountainous terrain,
           covered.                           Henkin,  a comprehensive  guide,  maps  and   framed by Israel’s wilderness and natural
                                              useful descriptions are presented in an easy   landscape.
           It takes anything from a few weeks to around   to read format. Split into digestible sections,
           60 days to complete the entirety of the trail,   the guide arranges routes from north to south   This section of the trail commences at Yesha
           depending on your walking speed and rest   which range from 14km up to 30km each.   Fort and continues along the ruins of Al-Nabi
           time.  Its  design  therefore  allows  hikers  to                      Yusha, a holy site to those of the Muslim
           discover sections of Israel at their leisure   Read on to discover what awaits you on one   faith who believe it to be the burial place of
           through bite sized tracks indicated clearly   of Israel’s most northern segments of the trail.  biblical  Joshua.  From  here,  the  trail  heads
           along the route by three stripes of white (in                          two kilometres towards a dirt road leading
           the north), blue in the middle, and orange (in  Yesha Fort to Dishon   to Keren Naftali, a range of mountains with
           the south).                        A 20km stretch of the Israel Natural Trail,   beautiful slopes weaving deep into the Hula

                                               View from the Naftali Mountains. Photo: Courtesy of
                                               Left: Naftali Mountains. Photo: Pnina Livni, KKL-JNF Photo Archive
                                               Above: Birds in Hula Valley. Photo: Doron Nissim

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