Page 19 - Discover Israel Magazine - UK edition 2020
P. 19

Leoni Jesner

                   pproximately one third of the earth’s   spectacular  stargazing  by  night, the Negev   Incense Route in southern Israel, a UNESCO
                   surface is canvased with desert   is the world’s most friendly desert, given its   World Heritage Site, which connected Arabia
                   landscape, which inhabits one   safety, accessibility, ease of travel and reliable   with the Mediterranean during the Hellenistic-
           Apercent of the world’s population.   cellular coverage, with the best nearby   Roman period from 323BC. The section
           Despite its barren climate, deserts across the   medical rescue units on hand. From all the   was  a passageway  for  Nabataean  farmers
           globe horde a multitude of striking discoveries   deserts in the world, there is no region safer   and traders to transport incense, spices and
           and local folklore, attracting tourists from far   than the Negev.     luxury goods, which travelled through many
           and wide.                                                              towns where innovative agricultural remains
                                              Hundreds of millions of dollars have been   from that time still exist today.
           One desert in particular, The Negev, named   poured  into  a project  coined  ‘Blueprint
           a top world destination by travel guide   Negev,’ initiated by the Jewish National Fund   Visit  the  breathtaking  oasis  of  Ein  Advat  in
           magazine Lonely Planet, presents a myriad of   to develop and help ‘bloom of the desert’.   the center of the Negev at Zin Valley, where
           exceptional experiences for all types of traveler.   In  recent  decades,  the  flourishing  Negev   nature, hiking and panoramic desert views
           An expansive stretch of land occupying over   region has been transformed into a hub of   await. The Ein Advat National Park, which
           half of Israel, the Negev is a study of wonder,   activity, where hiking, biking and nature trails   forms part of Zin Valley, the longest wadi in
           where  nature  lovers,  adventure  seekers,   have been carved, bird watching lookouts   the Negev spanning over 60km, contains
           historians and fitness buffs alike can unravel   established and a network of guided tours   a  magnificent  spring  amidst  the  barren
           its majestic beauty amid ancient backdrops,   has been established.    landscape, where a 15 meter high waterfall
           meticulously developed into a destination                              and eight meter pool below are the source of
           safe for the modern day explorer.   A backdrop of breathtaking beauty amid   livelihood of many animals in the region. Just
                                              rocky terrain, deep craters and picturesque   outside the park is the Ben Gurion Memorial
           The Magic of the Negev             mountains, interspersed with a magnitude of   site, the burial place of David Ben Gurion,
           Extending from Beersheba, the largest city   deep wadis (valleys), the Negev’s splendour   Israel’s first prime minister.
           in the northern Negev, to Eilat in the south,   spans ancient sites and archaeological ruins,
           the  desert’s  arid  climate  can  reach  extreme   impressive  geological formations,  stunning   Experience adventure cycling through desert
           temperatures of  over  48°C (118.4°F)  during   plains and sweeping mountains. The Negev   terrain throughout a plethora of routes
           summer and experiences  a mere 24mm of   also  maintains  what  is  indigenous  to  the   designed for bike enthusiasts  of all levels.
           rainfall a year. Despite this, the Negev boasts   land, including the welcoming, hospitality of   As the sport grows in popularity within the
           a thriving agriculture, due to drip irrigation   nomadic Arab tribe the Bedouins, and an   region, more services to assist bikers have
           technology developed in the 1960s, utilizing   abundance of fascinating wildlife.   become available, including bike rental
           limited water resources to grow crops, from                            centers,  repair services,  tour  guides  and
           olive groves, fruits and vegetable plantations,   The Negev invites you to…  accommodations  throughout  sections of
           as well as fish farms.             Discover the largest Makhtesh in the world   the trails. Spectacularly adventurous, yet all
                                              at The Ramon Crater, a strikingly unique   the while safe, families can enjoy trails such
           What’s more, the Negev is the heart of Israel’s   geological phenomenon created from millions   as the 4km cycle around Yerhuam Lake on
           solar energy industry and one of the globe’s   of years of water erosion. Forming  Israel’s   one of two routes designed to showcase the
           biggest renewable energy projects, having   largest national park, the Ramon Nature   beauty of the region. The experienced rider
           recently developed a multi-billion dollar   Reserve, located at the peak of Mount Negev,   can tackle the 300 km southern segment of
           initiative across a four part project, featuring   contains the impressive crater which spans   the Israel Bike Trail throughout eight carefully
           the world’s tallest solar tower, a wastewater   40km long and between two-10 kilometers   developed sections across mountains,
           plant and three momentous solar power   wide. At the Mitzpe Ramon Visitor Center,   craters and valleys.
           plants, all in view to visitors from scenic   exhibitions highlight its history and geology,
           looking points in the region.      and also present a memorial museum   Wine  taste  on  the  remarkable  Negev  Wine
                                              dedicated  to  Ilan  Ramon,  Israel’s  first   Route, revived with the help of Ramat
           Located in close proximity to Europe, the   astronaut who tragically died during the fatal   Hanegev Council, which provided the land
           Negev is one of the most attractive tourist   Columbia Space Shuttle mission in 2003.    and agricultural expertise. Located along
           deserts in the world, welcoming visitors from                          route 40, between Beersheba and Mizpe
           all walks of life experience, a stark contrast   Travel the Nabataean perfume and spice   Ramon, visitors can learn the stories behind
           to city life. From traditional events and   route on a Jeep Safari tour through a region   the wineries, witness remains of the ancient
           accommodations, Jeep Safari and bike tours,   containing  remains  of  Nabataean  towns.   wine  industry  and  discover  more  about  the
           camel and horse back riding, rappelling and   4X4 Jeep tours transport visitors along the   wine making process itself across 25 farms.

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